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Fire Departments:

Central Volunteer Fire Dept 
Address: 3179 Maysville Rd Ne
City: Huntsville
Phone: 256-776-9569
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Green Mountain Volunteer Fire 
Address: 5026 Riverview Dr Se
City: Huntsville
Phone: 256-883-5802
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Huntsville Fire Chief's Office 
Address: 815 Wheeler Ave Nw
City: Huntsville
Phone: 256-427-7401
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Huntsville Fire Dept 
Address: 5827 Oakwood Rd Nw
City: Huntsville
Phone: 256-722-7120
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Huntsville Fire Dept Sta 14 
Address: 817 Mountain Gap Rd Se
City: Huntsville
Phone: 256-724-7401
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Huntsville Fire Marshal 
Address: 320 Fountain Cir Sw
City: Huntsville
Phone: 256-427-5150
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Huntsville Madison County Rsc 
Address: 820 Cook Ave Nw
City: Huntsville
Phone: 256-536-2720
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Moores Mill Volunteer Fire/rsc 
Address: 7416 Moores Mill Rd
City: Huntsville
Phone: 256-859-6350
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Redstone Arsenal Fire-emrgncy 
Address: Rideout Rd # 4424
City: Huntsville
Phone: 256-876-1893
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