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Shopping Centers & Malls:

Bridge Street Town Ctr 
Address: 365 The Bridge St Ste 106
City: Huntsville
Phone: 256-327-8400
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Enterprise Plaza 
Address: 6140 University Dr Nw
City: Huntsville
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Huntsville West Shopping Ctr 
Address: 4710 University Dr Nw
City: Huntsville
Phone: 256-721-3328
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Oak Park Shopping Ctr 
Address: 1407 Memorial Pkwy Nw
City: Huntsville
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Parkway Place A Cbl Property 
Address: 2801 Memorial Pkwy Sw Ste 102
City: Huntsville
Phone: 256-361-0836
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Parkway Place Mall 
Address: 2801 Memorial Pkwy Sw Ste 102
City: Huntsville
Phone: 256-533-0700
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South Huntsville Square 
Address: 10004 Memorial Pkwy Sw
City: Huntsville
Phone: 234-567-8910
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University Place 
Address: 6125 University Dr Nw
City: Huntsville
Phone: 256-922-1048
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Valley Bend At Jones Farm 
Address: 2750 Carl T Jones Dr Se
City: Huntsville
Phone: 256-881-7713
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Westside Centre 
Address: 6275 University Dr Nw
City: Huntsville
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